Support Literacy at Home.

Are you a teacher-mom who buys TpT products for your kid?!
I’m the one, don’t judge me.
Well, it doesn’t happen often, but if there is a need, I shop on TpT like in the pharmacy, trying to choose the best product for my child.
My daughter is in kindergarten. Seeing how this little one develops her writing and reading skills is impressive. Because I’m a teacher, early literacy is a big deal to me. I painstakingly check all the homework, and if there is a gap, I go out of my way to practice with Milania and include my husband in the teaching process.
I’m not going to lie. At times, I go overboard: magnetic letters, TpT resources, whiteboard, and markers at home, a book log and reading every day, every single day.
As a linguist, I’m interested in the processes of language acquisition by children. While my most significant discovery through literature is that children follow a natural order of acquisition (directly speaking, they lean the things in the order dictated by their cognitive maturation), creating the environment where kids have access to the right information and receiving support in learning is the best thing to do for your child.
My daughter’s teacher always sends a message to parents saying, “you are your child’s biggest and most important teacher.” I agree with it 100%.
So when Milania started learning to read CVC words (a focus in kindergarten), we needed some help. The help was critical because Milania does not speak in school (she is experiencing selective mutism), and her teacher cannot evaluate her reading skills. I took it upon myself to make sure my child reads CVC words.
So I went to TpT, and I found somethings great and efficient.
The resource is by Miss Kindergarten Love, called “CVC words read and reveal.” It has a bunch of words accompanied by pictures that help to practice short sounds for a, e, i, o, u. The big font and the images make it so easy for Milania to read the words. The flashcard format is excellent.
We usually practice reading on a weekend morning when we are still in bed. I grab the cards, and we read them together. I can read first, and Milania repeats. Then she reads it by herself sound by sound.
Of course, we make it fun and silly sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, Milania tries to avoid school-related activities as much as possible on weekends lol. So sometimes I purposefully mispronounce the word or exaggerate the sounds so that it would also be funny. She corrects me and rereads the words.
Simply speaking, a parent definitely needs to be inventive in tackling learning or homework. But practicing is worth it.
Exposure to printed language, reading, speaking, writing repeatedly supports kid’s language development and makes progress in school more solidified.
So check this resource out! As a teacher and TpT author, I loved it myself.
Happy learning! Take it easy!
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