Tips for Self-Care: How One Teacher Doesn’t Have it All.

    Self-care Sunday tips don’t work for me. I’m a teacher. I work Saturdays and Sundays to make sure that my week goes well, with no stress, self-pity, and self-imposed exhaustion. I searched dozens of self-care activities, practices, and lists. Too many of them either did not match my lifestyle or did not consider that I also have kids. Despite my skepticism for many of the self-care procedures, rituals, and self-care deficit, I do believe in the transformational power of self-care habits. In this post, I’m sharing self-care examples to convey the idea that instead of following self-care lists, we should try to build self-care habits however unconventional, inconvenient, and impossible…


    Are You a Hulk Mom?

    I’ve never thought mindfulness buzz will become part of my purposeful existence. Let me tell you: yoga, meditation, all these talks about feelings, acknowledging what we experience, and how we process this world – it all seemed to be done by fragile people from another planet, but not me. I’m a woman with a full-time job as a teacher, two kids, a house full of problems, and I have nooo time for this cr&p. I was convinced I can move forward and crash all the hurdles like a thousand-ton Russian ice breaker. I was on the expedition to my ideal life, could afford no days off. I was killing it.…


    5 Non-toxic Self-care Items for a Budgeting Teacher.

    Guess what! I’m a Michelle Phan secret fan although, among the two items of make-up I hold hostage, mascara is the scariest and most sophisticated tool. What I really admire about this smart businesswoman/make-up artist/You-Tuber is her promotion of personal value and natural beauty with excellent, intelligent skin products. For a while, I’ve been a shopper at a local Walgreens. Most of my toiletries would come from the pharmacy. Only recently, being more selective about personal care products has become so important. While shopping online, I turn into a complete nerd. It’s the time to choose carefully, compare prices, most importantly, investigate the ingredients and read customer reviews. I discovered…